Monday, July 14, 2008

Repeat: That F'd Up New Yorker Magazine Cover

I so totally agree with this blogger's view on the New Yorker magazine cover, that I am copying it here on News You Can Use. Sure the cover is satirical, but not for some who will not "get it" and some who will exploit it to confirm all of the rumors they believe!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Morning Brew....That 'Effed Up New Yorker Magazine Cover
::Well, I was shocked and angered viewing this cover yesterday. Can you say, "every 'effin right wing, republican tainted, gop stankin' smear offered up on one cover?"The New Yorker states this is satire.Ok, I understand that viewpoint, but this satire is for the sophisticate, not the regular joe who happens to pass by their teevee, while getting coffee and happen to view this cover being talked about.Michelle a gun toutin', terrorist fist bumpin' woman? Barack dressed in muslim garb while the flag is being burned in the rear and good ol' Osama's picture hanging on the wall in the background?I get the 'supposedly' satire, but the point is most people won't get it. And even if most people got it, I would still be offended.This cover makes "way over the top", speechless. In fact, the Obama Campaign concurs with many people who have viewed this shite, as offensive, even the McCain Campaign is in agreement (for whatever that is worth).
"The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Sen. Obama's right-wing critics have tried to create," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement, reported by Politico. "But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree.""We completely agree with the Obama campaign, it's tasteless and offensive," McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said in a statement.Of course, since we are offended this just makes the magazine more viable and everyone want to look at it or read the story. And of course, everyone and their momma are busy hitting the "send button" to their friends, family members to reinforce their view on the Obamas, one way or another. Through all of this it is still a "wait and see" moment. We don't know how this cover will play. It just may play for the Obamas, sympathetic to many independent voters who are not moved by racist or sextist viewpoints. Sure the New Yorker was trying to show all these internet rumors (because that is the point here) on one cover and make a statement, but again most people won't get it. Visuals are powerful. Will this cover influence voters? To be honest, I don't think so. Most bigots are not going to change their mind, it will over enhance one not to vote Obama, so he would not get those votes anyway. But the independent voter, with an independent mind, that vote is still out.

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