Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here We Go Again! Republican Billboard Smears Obama!

A Florida man has stirred up controversy in the Orlando area by buying ad space on billboards that show an image of the falling World Trade Center’s Twin Towers alongside the words, “Please don’t vote for a Democrat.”
The ad also points readers to a Web site,, which posts a country-rock music video written and performed by billboard creator and businessman Mike Meehan. Critics say the billboard ads should come down, but Meehan says he believes those who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks are being lost in the shuffle of the presidential campaign. “I’m just basically exercising my freedom of speech, the First Amendment. And though some people find this offensive … I find it very offensive that we have not remembered these people that have died in this tragedy,” Meehan told FOX News. “We’re not reminded of the terrorism that caused all this.”
Democrats call the billboards an insult to the memories of those who died in the terror attacks. “It’s an affront to the people who perished on September 11th,” said Bill Robinson, chairman of the Orange County Democrats, according to “It’s offensive. It’s using the tragedy for political and personal gain.”

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