Friday, July 18, 2008

Rachel Maddow Next in Line at MSNBC!

I can't wait for Rachel Maddow to have her own show on MSNBC!
The scuttlebutt says she is next in line for a Prime Time show alongside the likes of Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman. One of the best in speaking for the left, or at least left of the right, she will be a refreshing addition to the network that is supposedly of a Liberal focus. She has proven her worthiness by guest-hosting for Keith Olberman and guesting on Race for the Whitehouse. Her intelligent discussion of the issues, especially regarding the 2008 Presidential campaign, are right up there with the "good ole boys", and she even slams them when called for. Other women on the MSNBC lineup, especially during the day, parrot the guys, never seeming to have an original thought. So, Rachel, you go girl!!!!!
Rachel Maddow is the host of “The Rachel Maddow Show” on Air America Radio. It airs Monday-Friday 6-9 PM Eastern on Air America affiliates coast-to-coast, online at, and on XM Satellite Radio.
TRMS is a funny, fast-paced, news-based show often described as “the headlines, and the politics behind the headlines.”
In addition to hosting "The Rachel Maddow Show" on Air America, Rachel is a political analyst for MSNBC.
She's been with Air America since its inception in Spring 2004 -- before AAR she worked for WRNX in Holyoke, Massachusetts, and WRSI in Northampton, Massachusetts. There was also a stint with a jungle-themed company called Expresso [sic] Bongo, but she doesn't want to talk about it.
Rachel has a doctorate in political science (she was a Rhodes Scholar) and a background in HIV/AIDS activism, prison reform, and other lefty rabblerousing. She shakes a mean cocktail, drives a bright red pickup, hates Coldplay, loves arguing with conservatives, spends a lot of money on AMTRAK, and dresses like a first-grader.
Rachel is 35 years old and lives in New York City and rural Western Massachusetts with her partner, artist Susan Mikula.

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